Emerald Insight
Library has subscribed to Emerald Publishing. There are 172 Journals titles available to be accessed based on the below subject area.
- Accounting, Finance and Economics
- Business, Management and Strategy
- HR, Learning and Organization Studies
- Information and Knowledge Management
- Marketing
- Operations, Logistics and Quality
How to access Emerald Insight
- Click to Emerald Insight (right click on the link and select ‘ Open Link in Incognito Window).
- First time login – click to Register for a Profile

3. Register your details and key in this code for Organisation Access Number : 174007442449574 ( copy and paste the code)

4. Select Institution as City University of Malaysia ( search and select)
5. Key in Organization Access Number: 174007442449574
6. Click button Submit

7. Once Registration Complete. Click to Login and you will see this page.
8. Click to Login to your profile

9. Done registration. Happy searching.

10. END