The open access by topic and subject is the special content created based on the suggestion Resources Online by Academician, Accreditation panel and by Librarian. It`s covers various subjects to support the learning and teaching process. Materials available such as e-Journals,  e-Magazines, e-Thesis,  e-Dissertation, Standards and others materials relevant to subject and topics. 

Accounting, Business & Finance 

a. Magazines and Journal

  1. Accountants Today
  2. Business Research
    Business Research publishes high-quality articles covering both traditional fields of business administration and cross-functional, multidisciplinary research that reflects the complex character of business problems. Journal available from Volume 1 in 2008 until Current Volume 11, 2018 Sept.
  3. Asian Journal of Sustainability and Social Responsibility (AJSSR)
    Asian Journal of Sustainability and Social Responsibility (AJSSR) provides a platform for research that helps the audience develop a better conceptual base for understanding sustainability and social responsibility of organizations in the Asian.
  4. Financial Innovation

b. Public Sector Accounting Standard

      1. 2021 Handbook of International Public Sector Accounting Pronouncements

          This handbook contains the complete International Public Sector Accounting Standards, published as of January 31, 2021.
          It also includes the Conceptual Framework for General Purpose Financial Reportimg by Public Sector Entities.

       2. Malaysian Public Sector Accounting Standards : Improvements to MPSASs 2023

            The  Improvement to MPSASs 2023 is based on improvements documents made up to
            2018 Handbook of International Public Sector Accounting Pronouncements. 


  1. Architect Magazines
  2. The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA): Photographs and Drawing   – to view 100,000 photographs  & drawings from RIBA Collection
  3. The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) : Resources to become an Architect 
  4. Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia – TMS is quarterly publication which touches upon the development of the surveying profession, innovations in the surveying technology and surveyors’ contribution towards market and building industry.

Early Childhood Education

  1. Southeast Asia Early Childhood by UPSI
    • SAEC is a global voice for both research and practice concerning early childhood. This refereed journal extends across various social or cultural contexts and contributes to the international debate on holistic development for young children. This global voice for children explores a range of topics such as education and care, multicultural issues, indigenous early education, children’s learning, sustainable development, advocacy, and other issues involving early childhood for the world’s children.
  2. Jurnal Pendidikan Awal Kanak-kanak Kebangsaan by UPSI
    • JPAK is a global voice for both research and practice concerning early childhood education. This refereed journal extends across various social/cultural contexts and contributes to the national debate on holistic development for young children. This global voice for children explores a range of topics such as multicultural issues, indigenous early education, children’s learning, sustainable development, advocacy, and other issues involving early childhood education for the world’s children.
  3. Kurikulum Pertama Negara : Asuhan dan Didikan Awal Kanak- Kanak 0-4 tahun 
  4. Kurikulum Standard Pra-Sekolah Kebangsaan : Pendidikan Prasekolah – Dokumen Standard Kurikulum dan Pentafsiran (April 2016) by KPM


  1. Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction by UUM
    • Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction (MJLI) is abstracted in Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) since 2016 and Scopus 2012. It is a double-blind peer reviewed, international academic journal published biannually (June and December) by Universiti Utara Malaysia.
  2. Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Melayu by UKM
    • JPBM dibangunkan untuk mengetengah dan membanyakkan hasil penyelidikan para sarjana bidang Pendidikan Bahasa Melayu, Sastera dan Pendidikan Guru di Universiti Awam dan Institut Pendidikan Guru di Malaysia. JPBM ini dapat menjadi platform kepada ahli akademik untuk menerbitkan artikel-artikel berbentuk penyelidikan dan juga konseptual di JPBM ini. Dengan cara ini, banyak artikel ilmiah yang berkaitan dengan pendidikan Bahasa Melayu, pendidikan Sastera, pendidikan guru dan pengajaran dan pembelajaran dapat diterbitkan secara atas talian sebagai sumber rujukan.
  3. Journal of Research, Policy & Practice of Teachers & Teacher Education by UPSI
    • Publish articles and novel ideas for education researchers and teacher educators on issues of teaching, teacher learning, pre-service teachers , teaching and learning, and education policy across early childhood, primary, secondary and higher education
  4. Southeast Asia Early Childhood by UPSI
    • SAEC is a global voice for both research and practice concerning early childhood. This refereed journal extends across various social or cultural contexts and contributes to the international debate on holistic development for young children. This global voice for children explores a range of topics such as education and care, multicultural issues, indigenous early education, children’s learning, sustainable development, advocacy, and other issues involving early childhood for the world’s children.
  5. Asian Education Action Research Journal by UPSI
    • Intended for teachers, educators, scholars, policy makers and stake-holders to make the outcomes of action research projects in education and across the professions widely available. It is also a platform to provide models of effective action research and to enable educators to share their experiences as an individual, reflective practice or as group empowerment.
  6. Educational Leaders
    • Contain links to online journals and online databases from New Zealand, Australia, UK, Europe, Canada and US.
  7. Australian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET)
    • Access to Online Journal AJET and Free downloadable full text articles.



ASEAN Engineering Journal (AEJ) is an official publication of the JICA Project for AUN/SEED-Net as a fruit of collaboration with the main support from the Government of Japan through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Member Governments from 10 ASEAN countries and 26 Member Institutions (MIs) selected from leading institutions in engineering field with support from 14 leading Japanese Universities. AEJ publishes full academic papers covering 10 different engineering fields. A double-blind peer review system is adopted to ensure the transparency and integrity of the review process


ASEAN Engineering Journal (AEJ) is an official publication of the JICA Project for AUN/SEED-Net as a fruit of collaboration with the main support from the Government of Japan through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Member Governments from 10 ASEAN countries and 26 Member Institutions (MIs) selected from leading institutions in engineering field with support from 14 leading Japanese Universities. AEJ publishes full academic papers covering 10 different engineering fields. A double-blind peer review system is adopted to ensure the transparency and integrity of the review process


Civil Engineering Surveyor is the monthly journal of the Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors. Using this portal you can view the current issue of Civil Engineering Surveyor, as well as supplements, and actively view archive editions. To refine your interests you can also search the journal for a particular keyword

 Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) quarterly engineering journal.


The Ingenieur is Malaysia’s authoritative source of Engineering matters and a market leader in engineering publications with circulation of 13,000 copies per issue. This sought-after quarterly magazine provides a wealth of information on professional practice, government policies and guidelines, legal issues, safety and health at work, management and other information such as career and business opportunities necessary for continuous development of engineers and other professional.

Hospitality and Tourism

  1. TEAM Journal of Hospitality & Tourism
    • The TEAM Journal is the official publication of the Tourism Educators Association of Malaysia. The journal is being steered by the association and it is hoped that it would one day establish itself as one of the leading multidisciplinary publications in Asia Pacific.
  2. Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality (JTRH)
    The Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality (JTRH) promotes rigorous research that makes a significant contribution in advancing knowledge for tourism theory, research methodologies and hospitality. JTRH includes all major themes pertaining to various functional areas of tourism and hospitality.
  3. Journal of Tourism Analysis 
    • Open for access : Volume 25 issues 1

Nursing and Health Care

  1. 22 APC Journal (Free Nursing Journals indexed in PubMed & Scopus)
    • A list of 22 non-paid open-access Nursing journals indexed in Scopus. A few journals are also indexed in Web of Science. The journals are published by reputed publishers (Elsevier, Springer, renowned universities, etc.).

  2. BioMed Central (BMC) Nursing
    • BMC Nursing is an open access, peer-reviewed journal with a primary focus on evidence-based nursing care; nursing research methods; nursing service delivery, utilization, and evaluation; nursing administration and human resources.
  3. Digital Commons Network
    • Subject on Medical and Health Sciences Commons consist of 318,115 full text articles. Sub- disciplines such as Nursing (33, 252), Medical Sciences (32,988), Sport Sciences (8684), Mental and Social Health (13,050), Medical Education (32,988) and etc.
  4. International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances (IJNS Advances) 
    • Open access journal that publishes excellent original research, reviews and discussion relevant to nursing, midwifery and other health related professions around the globe
  5. MedlinePlus (National Library of Medicine)
    • MedlinePlus is an online health information resource for patients and their families and friends. It is a service of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world’s largest medical library, which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
  6. NLM Digital Collections (National Library of Medicine)
    • Digital Collections provides access to the National Library of Medicine’s distinctive digital content in the areas of biomedicine, health care and the history of medicine. The Digital collections are freely available for download worldwide and in the public domain unless otherwise indicated.
  7. Nurse Researcher (RCNi Open Access)
    • Offers open-access articles on nursing research and practice.
  8. Nursing Open Journal by Wiley
    • Nursing Open is a peer reviewed open access journal publishing on all aspects of nursing and midwifery practice, research, education and policy. The journal’s aim is to contribute to the art and science of nursing, evolving the dialogue in areas which have a positive impact on health globally.
  9. Open Science Directory- Nursing
    • is a database that contains over 10,000 open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities. You can use the search engine filters to narrow down your search. This project is created by and supported by the team at Erudera, the world’s first education search platform backed by AI.
  10. PubMed Central (PMC)
    • PubMed Central® (PMC) is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM).
  11. SpringerOpen (Medicine and Public Health  Journals)
    • There are 40 open-access journals in Medicine & Public Health.
  12. SSRN – Social Science Research Network (Nursing Research Network)
    • A dedicated Nursing Research Network that serves as an open-access preprint server for nursing-related research. This platform allows authors to share their research papers, including preprints, book chapters, and teaching materials, facilitating quick dissemination and access to groundbreaking studies in nursing.
    • SSRN provides the opportunity to share different outputs of research such as preprints, preliminary or exploratory investigations, book chapters, PhD dissertations, course and teaching materials, presentations, and posters among others. SSRN also helps Nursing scholars discover the latest research in their own and other fields of interest, while providing a platform for the early sharing of their own work, making it available for subsequent work to be built upon more quickly.

Science and Information Technology

  • Asian Network for Scientific Information provides publishing services to 51 academic journals and is continuously expanding its portfolio. All journals operate with the Open Access (OA) model of publishing services, providing unrestricted online access to peer-reviewed scholarly research.
  • Journal available for Biomedical Sciences, Environmental Health,  Economics, Mathematics, Information Technology and Software Engineering


Mathematics of Computation is published bimonthly with articles electronically published individually to the American Mathematical Society (AMS) website before appearing in an issue. Free access from year 1943 until 2015.


Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology is an official journal of Universiti Putra Malaysia. It is an open-access online scientific journal. It publishes original scientific outputs. It neither accepts nor commissions third party content.


Magazines on latest technology, issues available from 2009 until 2015.


Published since 1890 this journal originated as the Journal of the Straits Medical Association.