ProQuest eBooks
Library has subscribed to ProQuest eBook Central. Total of Collection in ProQuest eBook Central estimated as 225,603 Subscribed Titles. There are 14 keys subject areas such as :-
- Architecture
- Business
- Education
- Tourism and Hospitality
- Health and Medicine
- History & Political Sciences
- Nursing
- Psychology
- Law
- Literature and Language
- Journalism
- Computer Science and IT
- Engineering
- Science and Technology
How to Access E-Book ProQuest
- Click here to Main Page ProQuest eBook Central (right click on the link and select ‘ Open Link in Incognito Window)
- For the FIRST TIMER ACCESS, you have to click to “Request Account”. It will take 3 working days to approve the access.
- For user that has registered, you may key-in Username and Password at Sign-In column.
4. After Sign-In, you will see the Search page. You can start your searching using Keyword search, Browse Search or Advanced Search.